Anyone been pregnant and still had a full blown period?

Janey • Lovely and Blessed since '00
My body keeps having symptoms it doesn't usually have month-round. It's lasted about 3 months now. They were more severe during the first month, max tender breasts which isn't one of my usual pms symptoms, nausea throughout the day, dizziness, pelvic discomfort month-round, food aversions (smells and sights), max fatigue during the day, and bathroom trips on the hour. I went to an er had a pelvic exam and ultrasound, both came with positive feedback, I was fine. The second month, the symptoms went away for a while which made me happy, I thought I was home free. Then, they reappeared, but had a dialed down a bit. I was still fatigued, dizzy, having discomfort, food aversions, bathroom trips every couple of hours, and headaches. And for a few days out of the month, I was struck with the most horrible sickness around morning to noon if I ate anything (usually a simple bowl of cereal), I was left dizzy, nauseas, and basically immobilized for hours upon hours. I was too sick to get up and do anything. Month three, now... I'm still having pms like symptoms month round, and I've lost like 10 lbs because I don't eat anymore really. Before hand, my weight never fluctuated beyond 1 or 2 pounds up or down. My bathroom trips have became much less often, but still too often for my liking. Some important points... of course, my period has come on time every month, except this one, it's a week early and light. My breasts are the same size and color, the line on my stomach is the same color as it's always been. This all started happening directly after having unprotected sex for the first time, I don't have an std. I did go through a lot of sudden stress, then on and off depression. I've also made some lifestyle changes recently. I personally believe it is depression causing food aversion, hormonal changes from losing my virginity causing new symptoms, and my new lifestyle changing my cycle. And as bad as it sounds, I will go get tested for prediabetes because it runs in my family. I don't what's going on. My sister and mother keep throwing out that I might be pregnant. My sister says my period doesn't matter, she had hers fully through her entire pregnancy, and didn't show until she was about six months. Has this happened to anyone else? Or does anyone think something else is wrong? I'm afraid right now. They are driving me crazy with this suggestion.