Birth plan didn't turn out as planned!

Went in Sunday night the 21st around 9:00pm due to high blood pressure, doctor on call told me since my due date was the 24th she was going to admit me and start pitocin in the morning at 6:00am. Got to my room around 2:00am Monday morning and the nurse noticed my contractions were happening every 3 minutes, I had no clue I wasn't having bad pains just regular period cramps. So we started my first dose on pitocin at 3:00am, second dose at 6:00am and then every 30 minutes we upped it. By 4:00pm I was at #20 for my pitocin dosage. My blood pressure hadn't gone down yet, it was staying up in the high 150's and 160's, babies heart beat kept randomly dropping to the 80's and would sit there and eventually go back up they decided to check my cervix and noticed I was only at 3.5 centimeters dilated and the doctor on call felt a hard bump in my cervix. Decided to do an ultrasound and she found out my baby was breech and he had never turned head down due to me having a bicornate uterus. So a little after 4:00 we were off to have an emergency c-section. I brought this beautifully healthy baby boy into the world Monday August 22 at 4:44pm weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces. Welcome my beautiful Clayton Mitchell you're worth every stitch and pain💙💙💙
I never knew I could love something so much! Be paitient ladies.