Anyone else have people who won't be excited for you?

Any one else in the same boat? 
My mother dislikes my fiancé for petty reasons (he used to be a beloved family friend, long story short she now hates him for briefly dating my brothers now wife when her and my brother split for a time prior to marriage, she still loves my sister in law however..) 
I know for a fact that she will not be pleased when I finally do become pregnant, and more likely than not will flat out tell me this, and anyone else who'd listen
My father, on the other hand may not initially be excited, but knows how badly I want children and will be supportive.
How will you deal with this if you're in any type of similar situation? How will you tell them? 
I don't want my mother ruining my excitement, or stressing me to the max, but if I conceive and hide it for too long she'll be pissed.
...she has, at one point told people she is "done having grandchildren" >.< while my twin and I are over here with no bio children of our own.