Breast refusal

My LO is 10 weeks and I have been EBF with the help of a nipple shield for latch problems.  I would occasionally give him a bottle when in public and to get him used to it for when I go back to work. He would always protest with the bottle but would eventually take it.  I decided to switch nipples from medium to fast flow since he seemed to have a very hard time latching and sucking with the medium flow (we use the Kiinde twist system). I noticed he did well with one fast flow nipple bottle feeding while I was out two days ago. Yesterday, I spent most of the day out of the house and bottle fed him throughout the day and he had no issues...I was happy since I was worried we would have issues with the bottle when I go back to work.  However, when I tried to nurse yesterday evening he refused the breast!! I was hoping he would sleep and reset...but no luck! He refused my breast again at night! I was heartbroken and cried so much! Today I decided to be persistent to get him back to my breast and if has been rough! He has nursed all day but I've had to drizzle expressed milk on the side of his lip to get him started and he has been extremely fussy.   I'm hoping it will pass.  Has anyone had a similar experience??? I'm in need of encouraging words!