September baby turned August!

Wednesday August 24th I had an appointment with my midwife. I've had a completely healthy pregnancy, and she told me to expect to go over my due date, even 2 weeks over since this was my first! She said she wouldn't check me until I was actually in labor or until I passed my due date, so I had no idea if I was nearing labor in the slightest way, except for her mentioning he's low and in a good position. I went home kind of bummed knowing I was 11 days from my due date and it really could have been 25 days. I went about my day as usual, went to bed feeling completely normal. Around 4:30 I woke up to use the restroom and I started dropping down my leg!! I knew it was my water because it was yellow tinged and when I went to the bathroom there was some blood present! Mind you I had not lost my mucus plug prior to this one bit! So I put a pad on and that wasn't enough so I went to change it and there was green. So I phoned my midwife and she told me to go straight to the hospital. They put me in L&D right away once I got there around 7:15 in the morning. They confirmed my water had broke so they officially couldn't release me. They checked me and I was only 3cm, 50% effaced, and -2! They monitored me for a while, and I was having contractions every 3-5 minutes but couldn't feel them, so I walked around for a while then rested. Around noon my midwife came in and said if I don't progress much on my own that they would have to start me on pitocin since it's been so long since my water broke and meconium was present. Around 2pm they checked me and I was only 5cm, 80% effaced and his head was sitting at station 0. At this point it had been almost 10 hours since my water broke so they decided we need to get things rolling. Around 4pm they hooked me up to pitocin. I still wasn't feeling my contractions much, but every time they upped the dose my contractions became worse and every 2 minutes apart. I tried to stick it out and finally budged and wanted the epidural. They wanted to get a bag of fluids in first so I had to wait until 6-6:15 for the epidural. Which took two tries because I moved while he was inserting the epidural the first time. It worked and he was done around 6:30! They had to wait a half hour before inserting the catheter so around 7 they inserted it and around 7:15 they checked me.. I was 10cm, 100% effaced and ready to push! The catheter was removed, we went over how to push, I pushed for about 20 minutes with breaks and he was here! Couldn't feel a thing but pressure, so I swear to god the epidural was my holy grail. Needed 1 stitch only! August 25th, 10 days early Elijah Justin was born! Weighing in at an itty bitty 6 pounds 1 ounce and measured 20.5 inches in height! He came out screaming before the rest of his body came out! No meconium in lungs, so we are blessed!!! Mommy and daddy are in love!