Doctor Rant

So I had to go too the family dr for a check up. I'm 14 weeks pp and lost my pregnancy weight within the first two weeks and have gained 12 back. I'm breastfeeding so I don't know if that has anything to do with the weight gain. But this 90lb dr kept going on and on about my weight and making jabs like I've had carpal tunnel since baby was born and she says "Well if your wrist were smaller it may not be so bad, it's harder on heavier people". 
Freaking aye you can see my wrist bone and there's no extra fat to grab. I am overweight and I'm not in denial but her choice of words really got to me. I've struggled with eating disorders my teenage years and so on, so I hear her words over and over in my head and I just can't make it stop. I've had great mind control over this disorder thing but she really messed with me. Please no negative comments this is safe place for me to vent...
Yes, I'm trying to eat cleaner and exercise.