
I had a regular check up this past Wednesday and everything was fine. My midwife wanted me to schedule my GD test anytime between now and my next appt in 4 weeks. I work full time M-F and the lab that does the tests schedules on Saturdays which is ideal for me not to take off work. So I checked with my SO if he had to work on Safurday before I scheduled the appt for today. So what does he do? Makes plans with his buddies to go golfing. So not only am I hangry, I'm annoyed I have to take my 3 kids with me to the 2 hour appt. I asked the only family I have close by if they could watch them for me but they can't. And my SO had the nerve to be asking me what he should wear, and does this hat look good? Like, I don't care right now! Not to mention it's raining and I look at the forecast, it's supposed to rain until this afternoon...most likely they won't be able to golf anyway. I'm just annoyed. Definitely did not feel like a priority on his end.