Anyone else????

(Repost from another group, trying to see if there's anyone else with a similar story..)
First let me say I am in no way asking for someone to diagnose me on here, I already have an appointment set up with my OBGYN so I am in the process of consulting a professional. I'm simply just curious if anyone else has experienced this type of issue and what was the outcome or diagnosis if a doctor was able to determine the issue. 
So basic info about myself I'm 25, 5'5, 220lbs (curvy!), never had any children & a possibility of a very early miscarriage it wasn't able to be fully confirmed several years ago. My issue is that I am currently experiencing an issue with my cycle...& by issue I mean that I'm 21 dpo and have not seen AF. Ovulation was not confirmed by an OPK so I can accept that maybe I ovulated later than what both charting apps I use projected, but I'm over a week late on my period. Usually I have started by 13 dpo at the latest! I have been on birth control since I was 15 years old and stopped in January because I knew that my SO and I would be ttc at some point this year. Due to the lack of AF this cycle I decided to go back and count the days between the last date of ovulation and the day before my period started and this is what I have so far:
Jan-Feb: 12 days
Feb-March: 12 days
March-April: 12 days
April-May: 12 days
May-June: 13 days
June-July: 10 days
July-August: ? days
I've taken pregnancy test after pregnancy test this past week and while I was certain I had a faint line on one all others were negative, even of the same brand, so pregnancy is not likely the issue. Other things that I've dealt with for years which lately have seemed a little worse is acne, thinning (not balding) hair on my head...may just be fine hair according to my hairdresser, difficulty losing weight, and embarrassing facial hair...not a beard but I get a patch on each side of my chin that I usually pluck the infamous mustache which is normal I have dark hair so not too concerned on that specifically. PCOS is a concern of mine, but I'm just not sure as these are truly the only symptoms I've really experienced. Anyone sharing their story if similar would be much appreciated 💕