Opk help

Hi all. I am on month 2 of TTC and this month I am using OPKs but I am confused as all hell now😳. I have a 26 day cycle and AF usually lasts 4 days. I started testing CD6 and today is cycle day 11. I have had lines, but they are no where near as dark as control, on Wondfo and no smiley on Clearblue. I have been testing in the Am, which I am now reading is not the ideal time and I should test in late am to early afternoon. So I just did another test (second today) on both and again no smiley and BARELY  a line on Wondfo. I thought it was getting darker each day and now at 4 pm is barely there. According to Glow tomorrow is my most fertile day and according to another app I use today is. Please help, I'm confused. Top pic is this am, bottom is yest am and the other 3 days look very similar. Today's pm was barely here so I didn't bother to take a pic.Â