Looking for advice tmi

Hi ladies 
So I came off the pill in May this year, and my last cycle was the first cycle in which I ovulated, and the first cycle that my husband and I have been trying to conceive. I started the pill 7 years ago due to the fact I was getting ridiculously heavy periods with very large blood clots and they were extremely painful which involved me vomiting and passing out. I came off the pill around 2 years ago to give my body a break and see if I still had problems, which I did. I had an ultrasound scan of my uterus and ovaries which were all fine, and had a cervical swab test and blood tests that were all fine. The only thing they found was that one hormone was just on the borderline (it was one that causes pcos, not sure which that is). I was advised to go back on the pill, so I did. 
Anyway, now we're trying to conceive but after last month was unsuccessful i was left with an awful bout of thrush followed immediately by extremely painful and heavy periods and other hormonal problems! Obviously I'm hoping to be pregnant soon but incase that doesn't happen anytime soon how can I control the problems I'm getting and stop it occurring each month without harming any potential pregnancies? Thanks in advance x