12 weeks 1 day and having a period?!

Christina • 30, Expecting & Proud Parent, Happily Married

Hello ladies,

My names Christina and I'm currently 12w1d. My pregnancy so far has been amazing simple. This will be my second child and it has been simular yet different since my first one. I have no swelling or nausea (same with my first) I have gained more with this one compared to my first. While I was pregnant with my daughter, Angel (she will be 11 in February of 2017) I had her a week early. I had no bleeding at all what so ever. This past Friday I started Spotting and I haven't stopped and its going on Monday. I have had cramps like a period and passed some clots and tissue but my cervix is closed and I'm having a flow like a period. The hospital claims I'm miscarriaging and I need to have a d and c done and that they can't find the heart beat. I have a fetal doppler and I have located the heart beat. If I would have done the d and c I would of killed my child. Please let me know if anyone has experienced any of this. I'm not as worried since I found his/her heart beat but the fact that the doc said I needed to have one asap and if I would have....devastating. Thankfully I listened to my instinct