Husband was secretly staying up late

I found out that my husband doing the whole time of my pregnancy was telling me he was studying for his real estate test and come to found out every night just about he was watching porn and at times would jack off. He stop having sex with me claiming he didn't want to hurt the baby. So here I was hormones going crazy but nothing he didn't even slept In the bed for 7months. I knew he had a issue after we got married and I told him I'm not competing with an illusion with porn he claim he would stop only to find out he started again. It made me sick to my stomach I was so hurt and stressing we lost our baby. I'm working on moving pass this because we are Christian and his demons is porn so I decided to fix me not worry what he's doing. I decided to get closer to God and ask him to fix my heart so that I'm not focus on man but on Christ. I'm trusting God will deal with my husband so it's not my job to worry to stress to sneak and do things to find out if he's doing it again I'm putting it all in God hands. Because we want to try again I'm asking God to help me to stay focus on him instead of my husband that next time  my baby shall live and not die. The devil have no authority over my family. So if I come across him sneaking watching it I pray God  I thank you that my husband no longer have the desire to watch porn, I thank you that he listen to the Holy Spirit and not yield to his fleshly desires. I thank you father that my breast will forever satisfies him. So even when he's wrong I'm speaking life into my marriage  im speaking the word of God over my mind my heart and any situation that I know I can't fix. 
So basically I'm trusting in God not men not my friends telling me to leave him not my own mind telling me God won't change him. Ladies be a prayer Warrior for your family for your husband and watch God change things around