My baby boy is finally here💙👶🏼

On Monday at 38 weeks and 3 days I went to the hospital for really bad back pain, turned out I wasn't open or dilated. However, the doctor told me I was having so much contractions that he was coming in less than a week.  Wednesday was my weekly appointment and my doctor checked me and I was still closed not dialated and water never broke. I had a gut feeling he was coming soon anyway. Thursday my contractions and back pain got worse but barable and not constant. Friday it was hard to walk but still not constant and just didn't want to go to the hospital. Saturday I got me a ball and I felt a huge change and started feeling pressure. My contractions still weren't constant but I had a gut feeling it was time. So, today at 3 I woke my mom up and was done waiting. I got in they told me I was 1 1/2 cm. They checked again a few min later and I was 3 cm. At 5 They decided not to make me go home even tho they should've since I wasn't 3 1/2 but my contraction were 2 min apart and very bad. They put me in a room and gave me meds to get me contracting more and an epidural.  I went in and out of sleep for an hour and then they said I would have him by 7pm. The epidural helped only for a few hours then stopped when the worst contractions hit. At 2:46 I needed to push. Stupid Doctor didn't even look at me before saying he needed to use the suction cup thing. At 3:14 my little man was out. I couldn't be more blessed and tired. Sorry I didn't go into much detail but it's been a very long day.