My second daughter started showing as being a few weeks ahead of gestation after her 20week scan

My second daughter started showing as being a few weeks ahead of gestation after her 20week scan. My first baby was 10lb2oz at 39+4 so we were concerned for another LGA so followed up with two scans between 34-37weeks. It was confirmed that she was due to be 9lb8oz at 40w. 
I asked to be induced within a few days of 40w and this was granted. I went in to get the balloon 40+3 but was told I was to far advanced for that and was asked to come back in the morning to have my waters broken instead. I started having very mild contractions over night. 
Waters were broken at 650am and the drip was started at 750am. Contractions started to intense on their own minutes before the drip was begun so i progressed well. Active labour was established at around 10am and I pushed for about 30mins before she arrived at 1.16pm natural.
40+4,  10lb1oz (exactly one ounce smaller then her big sister) she was 55cm long and head was 37cm around. 
She tore me both ways a little (I had to have episiotomy with my first, so this was no surprise). 
I am happy with how it went. I was a happy labourer. Gas only, no actual tears but a lot of crying noises, no screaming either but like loud grunting through the mouth piece of the gas. My partner was AMAZING! My daughter is a perfect little Aussie/Kiwi mix. 
Welcome Alannah Marie Van Veen ❤️ 
Thanks Glow <a href="">Nurture</a> for keeping me sane at midnight when I couldn't sleep, and keeping me up to date with what was going on with my body!