5 days late, 2 BFN and Getting Discouraged!


Hi all, I am currently 5 days late from my expected AF. I took a pregnancy test in the afternoon on the first day of the missed period, and this morning, first thing on the 5th day. BOTH Negative. I'm starting to feel really discouraged and frustrated. I started to think maybe after 3 days of no signs of AF I may be pregnant. But 2 negatives make me think I'm most definitely not pregnant. I mean why else would they show up both negative. I've never missed my AF like this before

I've had some weird symptoms over the past 2 weeks, that I started thinking about once I was late, and even thought hey, maybe I really am pregnant!

-my appetite is insane

-however a lot of foods I normally love have been tasting either like they've gone bad or just tasting like not as good as I remembered

-sore and tender breasts

-I've felt very bloated and gained about 5 pounds over the past 2 weeks, even though I exercise 5x a week for over an hour. I thought it was bc AF was coming but nothing. Also my stomachs been a little tender and it feels really in the way when I'm getting up and rolling over in bed? Idk, it's weird!

-developed a super red and raised and ungodly itchy rash yesterday

If I'm not pregnant what could this mean. I feel like I'm stuck in this limbo. I think 5 days late is too early to call my OB for a blood test, and aside from those 2 negatives I really feel like I might be pregnant. But now I'm so discouraged.

If I'm not pregnant, what's going on. If I am pregnant, why won't they come up positive! I've missed my period, shouldn't they be positive? Ughhhhhh!