Gender Disappointment

Elizabeth • Mom of 2 boys- 1/5/17-Nemat, 6/21/19-Naveed
My husband got me these pink flowers to say he was sorry we aren't having a girl. I am certainly happy we are having a healthy boy and I'm still very excited to be having our first child in general. He is thrilled and excited beyond belief and it just makes me sad that he seems happier than me and I am scared that I might not ever get to have a daughter (recently I keep seeing all these people who just found out they are having their second boy). I also feel bad that he felt like he had to hold back on showing his excitement when we found out because he knew I would be disappointed. At the moment it's hard to even imagine having two kids but that's generally been what we have discussed trying for in our family. My husband is one of three boys and my only sibling is my twin sister. My SIL is having a girl two months before me so I will be an aunt to a girl but can anyone tell me if this disappointment is going to pass? It's been a week since we found out and I still feel sad about it right now.