BF & pumping questions from working milk momma

I just started back to work so usually breastfeed once in the morning at 6:30, then I send three 4.5oz bottles and one 2oz snack bottle to daycare (baby is there from 8am-5pm). Then, I feed her again around 6:30/7pm. She goes to bed at 8:30pm and sleeps until I wake her up at 6:30. My question is: should I be trying to BF her twice in the evenings? Or send less milk to daycare so she's hungry when I pick her up at 5? My daycare lady said she typically gives her last feeding between 3-4pm, but she always wants whole bottle & snack bottle then. If I can't squeeze in two feedings at night, should I be pumping again after she goes to bed? Right now I pump 3x at work (both sides) and once with a hand pump in the morning (only the side she doesn't BF on). I don't want my supply to go down and that's why I'm worried she's only having two nursing sessions a day and 3-4 bottles a day. Also, random question, but where do you buy coconut oil to use in flanges during pumping sessions? Being a working milk momma is a lot of work!!