I took a blue dye test two days ago...very faint line showed. I swear I was pregnant yesterday based on how bad my boobs were hurting. Today my boobs felt fine and I've been cramping all damn day. When I cramp like this I usually start my period the next day. I just hate it cause I will "feel" pregnant and then I get dissapointed. I'm always getting vvvvfl on my tests but they never get dark enough. I've been trying since April which to most of you isn't that long but every month I'm driving myself crazy. We had a miscarraige back in jan. I waited 3 months and started trying again. I want to test again but if that line isn't darker I'm going to cry. Af due in 3 days. I just can't take the agony anymore. The questioning, the guessing. All of it...it's torture. This is what my test looked like two days ago...or was it yesterday?