Chris brown and Baylee

Alexandra • Graduating this year with a bachelors in psychology. Then med school. In a loving relationship of 6 years. Not TTC! ❤️❤️
So this woman apperantly goes to a get together with many celebrities UNINVITED. According to the people that were there she was told to leave the premises multiple times until Chris brown allegedly pulled out a gun and told her to get the fuck out of his home. Now he was been arrested for homicide, assault and Roberry. 
Now my thing is this girl was caught stealing from HIS HOME. Traspassing to an event that  she was not invited to and this man wakes up in the morning to a swat team and helicopter landed outside of his home. That's crazy and then people wonder why everyone hates he police and why people make everything about race. In reality this bitch wanted a 15 minute game. If you are asked to leave a place you are not welcome in. Just FUCKING LEAVE. There was no need for your to stay in his home. To me the person who should be arrested is her ass for trespassing and attempted robbery. What do you think? 

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