19 week anatomy scan showed concerns...

So I had my 19 week gender/anatomy ultrasound yesterday and was given the news that i am having my second baby BOY and I couldn't be more thrilled! However, there were 3 techs who came in to "get better pictures" and I knew right away that something wasn't right . When we met with my doctor he said there were 4 major concerns and he is sending me to genetic specialist in the next week. What he saw that did not look right were : bowels/intestines looked abnormal, heart wasn't showing correct valve flow , neck looked "too thick", and legs measured too small. We never had a single issue with our first son so our world is pretty much upside down until we know more. Has anyone had experience with these concerns? I am now waiting on my appointment to be set with specialists so I can have another ultrasound and get second opinion. I work with children with special needs so having a child with Down Syndrome is not the worst thing in the world that could happen to us as me and my husband would love our child no matter what. The main thing that scares me is that other genetic disorders are fatal and I don't want to lose  our baby boy. Hoping for any advice you may have ...