So very frustrated


Does anyone else feel overwhelmed? I mean holy hell. I'm 35 weeks 4 days and I feel that I am carrying everything on my shoulders.

Received my income statement that I receive from the government and I am cut off over $300 to survive for the month with 3 children. My dog is being a jealous bitch and rebelling becuz she sense there will be change soon. Which in reality I can not blame her. But then with my SO being a complete asshole and doing absolutely nothing to help around the house, complains about being sore, this and that. He gets frustrated with the kids so easily and sure he may be nervous about the baby as well but my golly I have had NO sleep in 2 days now going on 3. It was our son's birthday today and he was legit gone ALL day came home had a hot bath becuz he was so sore ate and fell asleep. Then our daughter spikes a fever, she's whiny and all I could do was cool her down with a bath, get her ice water, rub her down in vicks, put a movie on and allow her to fall asleep on her own. Now our older daughter is being so disgusting that I have been cleaning all damn day and she was helping me out becuz there was this nasty ass gross smell coming from somewhere so here I am cleaning each and every single room of the house and bleaching the walls, the floors and wiping every single thing down and still can smell the nasty smell. Go into the washroom to take a pee and there were drops of pee with a tinge of red on the seat. So I called her in asked her what the hell was that she goes "oh sorry mom" proceeds to clean it off I said to her "clearly you didn't wipe after using the washroom stop being gross" asked her when she changed her pad last said is was hardly bloody I said to change it regardless as you start to smell if you don't change it." Seriously fucken gross dude. I just wanna puke so then she asked me to grab her a new pad which there was a whole box beside her she was just being lazy. So she was speaking with me while rolling up her nasty smelly stinky dirty pad and went to put on her new one. She was making it a huge task to put a new one in. So I said "no here this is what you do, drop your shorts to hit the floor so you have more room to fit it in properly." (She had them sitting at her knees for some reason) so I made her drop her shorts. Said " we both are ladies here and we have the same parts" Well low and be fucken hold. I found out what the damn smell was. Her nasty bloody underwear. At this point I had thrown up all in the bath tub. Asked her when she last had a shower from starting her period LAST Friday. She proceeded to tell me that she HASN'T had a shower since LAST Thursday. At that point I just threw up my hands and said I give up. Went and got her new underwear gave them to her and just walked outside to have a smoke. I fucken bawled my eyes out becuz I'm just alone doing EVERYTHING by myself with 3 children, a rotti, a rescue kitten that I found in our garden that was dropped off by its mother and stressing about a new baby on the way not having everything that I need for him becuz the fact I got cut off so much money now. I just want to run away for the weekend and waiting for my mother to confirm if I am able to go back to her place after my doctor appointment Thursday. I just need my own "babymoon" time without the hassle. F.m.l