I just need to let it out

Abby • Caution: I'm a smart ass and my opinion is probably different than yours.
I'm Christian, and I try so hard to be a good person and not shove my religion on to your lap. My best friend in the whole wide world is bi-sexual and agnostic, she knows more about me than my parents. My extremely close friend is atheist and also bisexual. They know I'm Christian and they support me. I am completely exhausted with having to defend myself and my religion over the Internet. Everyday now I get a notification from an app from A nonbeliever attacking me and stating "facts". I don't care if your a non-believer that's on you, I'll be here if you ever wanna talk about Christianity, if not I'll mind my own business. I don't attack or purposely try to hurt a anyone because they're beliefs are different than mine. Why is it so hard for everyone to mind they're own business? 😭😭