help !?

My baby is 14 weeks old && she was sleeping from 9pm to 5am and from 6-9 sometimes even 10 but now she wakes up almost every 2 hours sometimes an hour !! I'm not sleeping at night and during the day she'll fall asleep in my arms but the second I put her down she'll wake up or stay asleep for maybe 10 mins or less and wake up and she'll be cranky through out the day !i can't get anything done she always wants to be held and I'm losing my mind I don't know what to do ! She's not hungry because I'll feed her and she'll spit up (BF) but she falls asleep nursing and I felt like maybe I wasn't producing enough but when I tried to give her formula she'll sip a bit and be done like literly nothing and she's  constantly drooling and sucking on her arm she leaves her self little marks ? Could this be her teething if so what helps ? Or what did you do to help your baby sleep at night I also tried swaddling her and nope didn't work I tried putting her gloves on incase she was scratching her self and waking up and nope idk what to do help please ftm I just want her back on her schedule 😪