Just need to rant

I was told by an auntie I'm a bridesmaid in my cousins wedding before he even got engaged (the engagement is a whole other mess).
Never once has the couple said to me or asked me till their engagement party when she interduced me to her friend 'this is .......'s cousin, she's the one marrying a squadie and she's a bridesmaid'. Why she felt the need to inform her friend of my fiancé's job is still a mistery to me.
Anyway before they got engaged my partner and I told our family our plans of once he comes home we plan to go away and get married then go see his family that are outside the uk (we gave rough dates of when we would be away). Only to last week get an email from the bride to be stating all bridesmaids must attend a dress shopping day, this date falls in the time we will be away. After calling the bride and reminding her that I will in fact not be there all hell has broke lose and I'm nothing but a jealous bitch that wants to ruin her day. After her rant I kindly as I could told her if that's the way she feels I have no problem not being a part of the wedding party. That seemed to set of another bomb of how I'm ruining everything for her and how dare I not change my plans to suit around her (sorry but not going to happen). 
This bitch has now went around and told anyone and everyone who will listen that I'm ruining her wedding, I'm being a selfish bitch and if I'm pregnant by her wedding she won't be happy. both our family's know we are TTC and have been since January.
Sorry I just had to have a little rant (.on anon due to people I know also using this app)