I'm so scared.

So I've been having mild cramping and spotting pink and brown for a few days. I went to er last night to make sure everything was ok. They did blood work and ultrasound. Hcg levels were low at 1276 at supposedly 7 weeks pregnant. For the ultrasound they told me I was to early on for them to see anything on the ultrasound and that I should do a follow up in 48 hours with my doctor to check hcg levels. Basically I feel like I went there for nothing. So today it seems as though the bleeding is getting worse. I just recently woke up from a nap and went to the restroom and I'm bleeding more only this time the blood is red and still with some cramping. My doctor does not have any available appointments and is advising me to go to the er again so they can run more test. I'm just so scared and hurt that it can be either a miscarriage or ectopic. We've been trying for 3 years to get pregnant with 3rd child and it finally happens, now this. Anybody else is going through this or went through this?