Is my baby waking up out of habit in the middle of the night?

Hi all. Just wanted to throw this out there to get some feedback. My LO is 12 weeks old. Her nightly sleep schedule is as follows- bedtime 745pm then wakes around 230-300am to nurse. After nursing, she is back down for a 4 hour stretch. 
I've tried changing her bedtime but I've noticed she always gets up like clockwork about 6 hours later no matter what bedtime is. And of course, I put her on the boob & she will nurse for 10 mins (always 10 mins never longer or shorter!) 
Now I am wondering, is she waking up out habit or does she really need the extra night feed? She is almost 14lbs, EBF and has 6 sopping wet diapers daily. We also cosleep with her crib next to my bed.