idk what to do anymore

So my boyfriend and I were dating for 2 1/2 years, broke up for month and didnt talk at all that month, then we got back together around the 4th of july. Lately he has not been wanting to hang out with me but he has been hanging out with other people (including other girls). I dont care if he hangs out with other people, Im not going to stop him from that, but it has just been hurting me because whenever I ask if he wants to hang out his response is "I want to relax" "Im tired" "I have to see what my mom is doing" ect, yet he has been hanging out with others... it just sucks. and it seems like he barely wants to talk to me about whats going on in my life. it seems like he only wants to talk when its convinent for him. and when I try to talk to him about how im feelig about all of this, he makes me feel as if im wrong that im feeling angry. so idk what to do... should I end things? or should I talk to him again? sorry this is so long. please help me out :(