Arghhh! Only 1 pound are you serious?!?!😤

JA`s Mommy👶💙
So I'm 8 weeks pp from my C section and since my Dr gave me the OK to excerise and dieting I've been trying to eat healthy staying away from junk food and doing home excerises ( squats, lift light weights, crunches) anyways I've been doing this for about 4 weeks now and I decided not check my weight until my Dr's appointment today. But I just got out and I've only lost ONE freaking pound! And my goal is to lose 28lbs (Prepregnancy: 140lbs, EndofPregnancy:180lb, Goal:130lb) Pleaseeeeee any advice?! I haven't gone out in public because of all my weight gain and I really want to visit friends but until I lose the weight😞