So grateful for the glorious NHS

Ruhena • I thank God everyday for my beautiful family ❤️
My hubby had cancer eleven years ago thanks to God he was able to beat cancer ass. We found out he had cancer when I was seven and a half months pregnant with my beautiful little girl. Before he had his operation to remove the lump and have radiotherapy he was offered by the NHS if he wanted to freeze his sperm incase we wanted more children. It has been eleven years today since his sperm where frozen the NHS has said they will keep them free for another two years and after that we only have to pay £275 to keep them. I am so grateful I live in England where health care is free in fact I love the UK. Have to mention within four weeks of finding out my hubby had cancer he has his operation to remove the cancer and further three weeks later he had radiotherapy. I can't express how grateful I am to our national health service. Hopefully we won't have to use the frozen sperm anymore as I am pregnant and forgot to mention my hubby sperm results came back as very healthy thank you God.