Abnormal pap/HPV

Hey all - so I have been with my husband for the last 4 years. When he and I first got together, we were not intimate. I had my last pap when we first started seeing each other, and so did he. We both had clean bills of health, and decided down the road to become intimate. Recently, we found out we were pregnant and I had gotten my first ultrasound, everything was good. Well at my last screening, I had bloodwork and a pap done, and I had abnormal cells on my cervix, and tested positive for HPV. They didn't say which strand or anything, just that my doctor wanted me to do a colposcopy over a week later, and a biopsy ... I found out my husband could have had it all along since there is no test for men unless they have a breakout ... Soooooo obviously I'm not upset with him, I am just trying to find out some information.
So I'll be 10 weeks and 6 days by the time they have me doing the colposcopy and biopsy .. But I've been reading that they shouldn't do a biopsy while I'm pregnant.
Has anyone had this issue before? 
I am freaking out, and not sure what decisions to make for my baby.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated !!