My Ectopic pregnancy

Me and my husband have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and 1 year with fertility nothing has happened. My husband has 2 boys and we have none together !We stopped trying for a while and then August 29 2016 I went into the doctor with abdomanal pain and a uti turned out I was pregnant!!! 😀I was so happy I never thought I would hear those words i was blessed! Me and my husband both cried together when I told him we were so happy!! Later that night I woke up in so pain! Where I couldn't sit it would hurt pain in my stomach pain in my shoulders the pain wouldn't stop and I couldn't stop crying! I knew this wasn't my uti or anything I was concerned but I felt like this was something I could wait till tomorrow to call my ob Doctor. The pain went away eventually and then later in the morning I had that same pain! My husband demanded me to go to the doctor so I call one of the ob nurses told her how I was having pain and how I had pain in my shoulders she said the pain sounds like it is from your uti but the shoulder pain has nothing to do with uti or the baby people just kept telling me I slept on it wrong I knew it was something more the nurse said if It makes me feel a little at ease they can do my ultra sound early! So I did as they looked at the ultra sound the doctor saw this white ball he asked if its possible I was 4 months preg and I told him there could be no way! He said he couldn't find the baby but he saw a mass he thought so hopefully the baby is hiding behind the mass. He sent me to go imaging where they did a hour of ultra sounds. The radiologist said he found the baby but it's not where it should be he said you need to go to er to be seen he said the baby was in the tube I bawled even more the lady gave me a ultra sound picture of the baby and even told me it had a heart beat! It gave me hope I was happy but at the same time why was I going in to the er. I went to the er they were waiting for me with a wheel chair! They rushed me into a room gowned up and put me into a bed. After that 10 other nurses came in talking to me asking me questions putting Ivs  and poking my arms .I had no clue what was going on they said you're bleeding inside! The baby is in your Fallopian tube and it bursted and you have lots of blood we need to do an emergency surgery! Asked if it was okay I said okay I couldn't stop crying I had no one with me I didn't know what was going on my husband was at work I had my sister inlaw leave to go home thinking I'll be okay my heart rate went to 180 they kept saying I need to calm down and they need to keep me stable! This was a big deal I thought everything was okay it took 10 mins of prepping they wheeled my bed down to surgery im still texting calling everyone to come to the hospital I didn't have time to explain anything and my phone was dying! They were waiting for my husband to show up but they said it was serious and needed to do surgery right away I said okay! It was 5 pm I went into the ob Doctor at 230 everything was happening so fast! I was asking questions about the surgery and asked one big question I said will my baby be okay! All the nurses looked at me and said no one told you I looked at her! And she said there's no baby anymore this is an ectopic pregnecy the egg got stuck in your Fallopian tube and didn't make it to your uterues and it stayed there and it made my left Fallopian tube burst and I had lost so much blood! This was just mins before I fell asleep for surgery I was so confused hurt alone sad I couldn't stop crying. When I woke up it was 8pm I saw my husband and mom an dad! I couldn't stop crying they told me that if I waited long enough I could of died! They asked what they wanted me to do the remaining a of the baby! I didn't know what to do I kept crying! At that moment I knew what it was like to be a mom just for that hour! And I was so glad the baby wasn't fully grow or anything the baby was only 6 weeks but still had a heart! It's crazy to think the baby was stuck there for so long I wish I could of done something sooner but like the doctor said there was nothing I could of done to stop it my Fallopian tube was infected and there was nothing I could of done to stop it, it couldn't made it threw I was so mad at myself and so hurt And still breaks my heart! I lost my left Fallopian tube now I just have the right and hoping and praying it brings me good luck!! I just wanted to see if anyone else had this same problem and who is trying again and how you delt with this or any type I can't stop crying! Especially since I am still in pain from the surgery and that makes me think even more!Thanks for reading!