My dog is now peeing on her bed in her box


She is put in a box during the night when we go to bed since she was 12 weeks old. We tried to allow her on our bed from 8weeks and she kept peeing through the mattress and duvet plus my partner dislikes dogs & she kept jumping on him waking him up and licking him when he had work at 6am, it just wasn't doable. We tried putting her bed on the floor of our room and she howled the whole night for a good 6 nights, making him sleep in for work and resulted in a written warning. So we put her in the living room at night and she tore up the fabric on our new £2000 studio sofa that wasn't even paid off yet and peeing right through that (i still cant get the smell completely away and she's 5 months) and she was eating the coal from the fire and fluff from cushions making her vomit and the crying continued, only louder and the neighbours were mentioning it to us. So we bought a box for the living room, we don't use it during the day for training purposes, its used at night ONLY. Half the box is her thick blanket and the other half is a pee pad because she seems to go every hour even through the night.

When she had free roam of the living room at night i would come into the room in the morning to about 7 pees and 2 poos all throughout the room so it was mission impossible steps to get to the kitchen for cleaning materials. Anyhoo. The boxing was going fabulous at night, it was a godsend. I would get up, walk freely through the living room, open it, remove the pad and take her straight outside then feeding time and it became routine. Now the past 3 nights she has began peeing right through her blanket and lying sleeping on her own piss. Why has this changed? What can i do to prevent this? I've tried cutting down my hours of sleep at night and going in every 5 hours to take her out and she still pisses right through it. We never had that problem before and she loves her box she willingly jumps in when i say "bedtime", im so confused. We finally found something that worked perfect for us, and now I've to get up and bathe her everyday and boil wash her blankets every day😒

Im so confused and i don't know how to prevent this new challenge unless i get up every 2-3 hours which is just nonsense and im pregnant and so exhausted. Sorry for the long life story, advice is needed badly lol