premature labor help

Here I am again because I need to know if I should even waist my time going to the hospital because my doctor always rings me to voicemail when I try to call him. Last Friday I was 29 weeks and started to dilate and go into labor and was 80% effect so they rushed me to labor and delivery and tried to stop my baby from coming they stopped him and I stayed in the hospital for three days. Them giving me steroids in the butt and a shit ton of medication to help me I was pretty much knocked out the whole time well now it's Friday again and the rest of my mucus plug came out and I've been having light contractions since Thursday but after my mucus plug fell out I've had noting but a burning sensation down there and a weird shocking pain in my vagina like every hour. Anyone else experiencing this? What should I do? And don't come at me saying I should have already gone to the hospital my doctor down here has turned patients down for going to the hospital without calling him first. He is the biggest dick but the closet doctor I have right now I'm currently 30 weeks and five days. Or does anyone have a hotline I can call?  And I haven't been to the hospital for the light contractions because she told me I shouldn't come in u less they are deep like before