then vs now

Beep★★★™ • Uppity blacktivist ✊🏼 #BLM, & social deviant; I'll spare you the whole Megillah 😉 The Revolution will not be televised
For a class I'm taking, we're revisiting the murder of Enmitt Till. I'm familiar with this incident and many like it, but for whatever reason, it only just hit me that it wasn't that long ago. My grandparents were alive when it happened. I started to think about racial tensions currently, and I wondered if things have actually improved as much as some people like to think they have. 
What do you think ladies? Since the Civil Rights movement and the general denouncement of overt racism, have racial attitudes generally improved or simply become more subtle and embedded in social institutions? 
If they've improved, how/why do you think that came about? If you think not, why not?