This child is giving me a heart attack already lol

So the past few days have been a roller coaster. Had my 1st early scan and nothing.. Zilch showed up apart from free fluid. My hcg levels were a whopping 2900 at 5w2 days and this was indicative of an ectopic pregnancy so I was preparing for the worst. 48 hours later my hcg levels were over 5000! So they rescanned. Still have free fluid and it took them awhile but... They found a little black dot with what they think is the yolk sac inside (couldn't make out a fetal pole yet) growing in the right place! And they are hopeful! Well me and partner have been given a little extra hope that this baby will survive! Repeat scan in 10 days hopefully might show a bit more (should be 7 weeks by then!) praying for a sticky bean!