Ugh!! Not again!!!

Preeclampsia... I had it with my daughter and dealt with the swelling and headaches for two weeks and now this one is 2 times as bad because I'm almost as big feet and hands wise as I was with her!! In just two days... This is so not good... That and my vag hurts! It's being stabbed I just know it! I'm so scared to go in to the hospital and my doctor sucks and won't call me back! I know I will have to go in Tommorrow but I'm just so scarred! I dont want to almost die again or worse die! Or have my baby come out not breathing again or anything to be wrong with her.... I just wanted a normal birth at 40 weeks this time not at 36 weeks like my first! And this time I'm only 35 weeks one day! Ugh!! Please pray for me!