horny boyfriend blues

Angela • Mom of 2 boys and 1 girl who are my absolute world .👦🏾👶🏾👶🏾😍just a Queen of the castle whose adjusting to This Journey call motherhood
Hi ladies any advice is appreciated please be nice... I'm in my 5th week and my hormones and body is doing their own thing. I'm sore, moody and low sex drive, most of all nervous about having sex since I found out I was preggo with my first baby. Meanwhile my boyfriend is not being a happy camper ( pouting 😒like a big baby that I'm not so much as a tigeress*  when it comes to sex recently )when I tell him I'm sore and turn him down I feel bad but I'm also a worry wart when it comes to this whole process being new to me. Have any ladies experienced this or is going through this now from their spouses? If so how are things going or what advice do you care to share to get through ?