I can't be the only one

💜Bran Stark💙 • Parent of 3
Anyone else as behind as me on getting the nursery set up?
We have moved three times in the last year and never been able to fully unpack. So much to sort, organize, and purge!
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Posted at
That looks exactly like mine before yesterday when I finally started tackling it!


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
I started tackling it yesterday too. It looks worse now haha has to get worse before it gets better right? 😅


Posted at
Due Oct 28th. Sheetrock work in nursery not complete. No paint yet. Just finished my registry which was a big enough project. Haven't bought a single thing for baby yet.....am I behind or am I being realistic about how much a baby actually needs?


Kara • Sep 5, 2016
Babies don't need much beyond their mom (food) and some diapers. But, it's nice to have a lot of the other stuff done/purchased ahead of time since you'll be busy once baby arrives!


Posted at
I don't have anything besides the babies clothes and a few bottles. We haven't had the time to pick up things, I am still planing the baby shower


Posted at
I am not moving I just am not going to stress myself..'I've been working 40 hours a week and needed to rest some on my days off.. He's sleeping in a pack n play in our room for awhile so I'm not going to stress.. He doesn't know the difference anyways :) 


Tyesa • Sep 4, 2016
Stuff in it 😳


Tyesa • Sep 4, 2016
Just don't let yourself stress.. It'll get done eventually.. I am doing cloth diapers after he's out of newborns and I still have to wash and prep them ALL and I've only washed some of his clothes.. His crib is in boxes and we just moved my daughter out of that room and it still has a bunch of her


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
A lot of it is our clothes too though.


Posted at
It took me awhile to get everything unpacked, opened and washed but I'd say now it's more of an organized chaos! You'll feel much better once you start. I tried to do like 30 minutes a day just to make some progress haha


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
With my first I don't know how I did it but I had a picture perfect nursery… that we never used lol now my goal is just to get my kids a clean and clutter free room.


Ashley • Sep 4, 2016
Oh yes this is my first, I'd imagine with my second I'll have much less time!


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Organized chaos! That's the perfect description! I'm inpatient and want it down NOW, but with a toddler and pregnant, that's pretty impossible lol


Posted at
I am totally in the sane place. It wil be fine.


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Yes! Imagine that! I can only hope lol


Jamie • Sep 4, 2016
or that someone would "surprise" you abs you would come home to perfect.


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Still got six weeks to go, so good amount of time. Just wish it would magically do itself! Haha


Posted at
We're moving back home to another state October 1, I'll be 36 weeks. We aren't even 100% where we are moving to. Needless to say the nursery is all still in the boxes they were delivered in. 


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
I hope you love your new place, whenever you end up!


Summertime • Sep 4, 2016
Thanks, it's not ideal for sure but it's what's best for our lil family.


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Good luck with the move! Moving while pregnant is so hard. I had to do it last pregnancy too. 😩


Posted at
I'm 33w4d My whole house is sheet rock right now. Except our bedroom. They'll begin painting by the end of the week. 99% of baby's things are in storage. I'm not too concerned, it'll all work out in the end!


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Slowly but surely!


Stefanie Ann • Sep 4, 2016
That makes sense for her sake! You'll get there! One thing at a time!


💜Bran Stark💙 • Sep 4, 2016
Oh wow that's tough! I can access everything I need so I'm not too worried either, but he's sharing a room with my daughter so I want it cleared for her sake too so she can have a place to play.


Posted at
I'm due October 14th.. And I'll more than likely go a week or so early due to hypertension. And we have set up one dresser lol crib still in the box. I have at least washed all the clothes and have then sitting in laundry baskets waiting to be put away lol 


Posted at
You're not alone! I have an empty baby room and every time I muster up the strength to get it ready, I just sit in the middle and cry. 😔