Swollen/puffy down there...

This is my second baby and he's been riding super low since the beginning. I've had a puffy vagina since 17 weeks because all of the pressure. He's so low... I'm 32 weeks and he's head down, seriously in my pubic bone area... ultrasounds have confirmed this. My vagina is getting more swollen, puffy, and unsightly by the week. EVERYTHING is swollen... even the hood that goes over the clit (TMI... sorry).. the labia majora, labia minora... everything. I'm so swollen that I feel like I'm even getting itchy down there from the skin stretching.

Am I alone I'm this?! I'm not swollen anywhere else... no swollen ankles or feet, no high blood pressure... just thinking he's so low that the pressure is ruining my lady bits! 😔