Hubs and I clearly look young

Or maybe we just look like shitty people, but while we were traveling this weekend we stopped at a store and picked up some fall clothes for my husband. Now we were traveling by car so we were dressed comfortably! 
We had 3 different couples feel the need to come and give us parenting advice. The best one was "y'all shouldn't be maxing out credit cards buying this junk for yourselves, you have a baby on the way. And don't you go abandoning that child and not paying for it" on and on and on. (I swear to god)
So we weren't rude, just confused and my husband states "oh I think we're just fine financially thank you" and we move on get hubs some more stuff. We're checking out and the couple are at it again. I swear. This is a discount store. We got all this stuff for $370! And the old man is like "that's $370 y'all should be spending on that kid!!!" And now he's getting angry. I calmly said "sir, I don't know what gives you the impression that we're struggling for money but we're not. We are both very successful people and as I am due next month, we already have everything it could ever need, want or imagine. We are fine thank you." 
I ignore what the old fuck starts saying at this point and we leave the store. LOW AND BEHOLD WE ARE PARKED RIGHT NEXT TO THESE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!! They're driving an old beat up Toyota. So we loaded the trunk of my car (happens to be a 2014 Range Rover sport) with my husband's bag of discount goodies and looked at the couple and said "I think you guys should stop spending so much money on clothes and maybe get yourself a new vehicle. Safety takes priority over clothing and that thing looks like it'll try to kill you without even wrecking it. Y'all be careful and be safe" 
I love when I leave people speechless and disgruntled. 
1.9k views • 43 upvotes • 18 comments



Posted at
It's the same with my boyfriend and I, I'm 24, he's 28, and we look young. But I'm an RN and he's a nuclear mechanic! We make a combined six figures but people seem to think that because his hair is unkempt or I have a tattoo sleeve we're not fit to be parents! We bought every piece ofnursery furniture with cash and have absolutely ZERO financial concerns. Mellenials can be successful, too!


Lauren • Sep 5, 2016
I second this!! I am 25 with a masters degree and a very high paying job, but I have many tattoos. I am constantly judged due to this!!!


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I'm wondering if maybe the couple had to take care of their grandkids because their own kids were irresponsible. Maybe that's why they had a shitty car, because they had spent too much money on their kid/grandkids 


Posted at
😂😂😂😂😂 people are so rude!!! Glad you said something back to them,  I bet they felt stupid. 


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I'll never understand why people think it's ok to voice their unwanted opinions when they don't even know you 😡


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Well good for you for keeping your cool! I hate people. That's a daily thing for us as well. I had my first at 19 but I was graduated at 17. Now 21, hubby 24. My husband alone makes a 6 figure income and I'm lucky to get to stay home with my son and manage my favorite little coffee shop in town 2 nights a week. We have his 2015 powerstroke and I own my 2013 optima free and clear that I bought when I was 19. Own our house. But because I choose to have tattoos, I'm young, or as of right now I have blue hair, people seem to think that we don't know what we're doing and are struggling financially. My favorite is when people think that we use food stamps or something. I need to learn to keep my cool like you though lol I have gone off on a few people before. Haha


Posted at
We get that all the time! We are young and look young but we own a beautiful colonial two brand new vehicles and are financially set. When we went to a dealership to get my car not a person asked if we wanted help. But then we put 8k down and got a 50k vehicle and you should've seen the look on the people's faces! Same when we walked into la z boy. everyone probably though we were playing house til we got a 5k couch! At first it would really bother me but now I just take it as a compliment it's hard for others to see someone young and successful probably w more than what they have.  🙄🙄🙄


Posted at
I can't believe people could have the nerve to be this rude. I'm only 22 turning 23 and even had bright pink hair for part of my pregnancy. Id be such a bitch if someone ever commented like this wow awful ppl.


Posted at
I love this! People do this to me & my husband all the time. We are 21 & 23, he's a specialist in the army so he makes about 2 grand a month, not really a lot; but I'm good at managing our spendatures so we always have a lot left over after bills. So because of this we like to treat our selves, shopping etc, we even bought a new family sized car for when baby gets here. And everyone feels the need to tell me "you shouldn't be spending your money like that, blah blah blah". Like go ahead and worry about your 5 mortgages Barbra, cause we're doing just fine. 


Posted at
Can't believe people are so rude.


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Hahhahaha good for you! People assume that because your about to have a baby you will hurt for money. I love your response to them they should minded their business👍👍👍