Hurt by family.


So tomorrow(the 6th)is my 25th birthday. I got a call from my dad's wife the other day(friday)saying she would watch my kids so me, my bf and dad could go out. Well that night I get a call from her saying they split up; my thought was "great over what now?" they are always fighting about something stupid but it's mostly because she has the worse my shit dont stink attitude and if you don't watch what you say... Ohh nooo. I called my grandma the next day(saturday)and asked what happened. I guess they got into a fight over her 20 year old son leaving work early again for the 6th time for no reason(my dad put his neck on the line to get him this job, he also lives with them and has 2 kids)they also fought because we were gonna go to a casino. But not because we were going it was because it was a casino she liked; so she threatened to not watch my kids so no one could go. But anyways my dad got tired of it and left. Drove around, cleared his head and slept in his car over night. He finally went home after continuously saying he wasn't going back; well I try to get ahold of him nonstop yesterday and when I finally did he said they were talking and everything was fine. Yesterday night some stuff happened and I tried to get ahold of him again just to find out he took her to the casino she threw a fit about.

I'm hurt because she treat's my dad like shit but he still let's her have her way(I'm saying bad).

I'm pissed the fuck off because she used my kids, HER grandkids against us.

So I sent him this txt....

Would you be upset or hurt?

I know he has to live with her; so making her happy is top. But if you knew her you'd ask why? Why is he with her?!

*He says he doesn't want to leave because he does love her and he doesn't wanna die alone. He's 43.