period while a few weeks pregnant?

I have been tracking my ovulation. Had sex (Wednesday August 24th) on the day I was most likely to ovulate and started feeling nauseous exactly 1 week later (Wednesday the 31st, 7days past ovulation).  I was positive I was pregnant and was anxious to take a pregnancy test but decided to wait to see if I got a missed period which was due in 5 days. The next two days I had some major cramping and was bloated, for sure thought it was implantation, which I felt with my two previous pregnancies. Well, I got my period 3 days later. It's a full regular period the only difference is I have zero cramping which I usually get painful cramps. I'm on day three of my period, two weeks past ovulation and my nausea has not subsided. It's gotten stronger and stronger each day. I've had the urge to vomit multiple times today and the smell of my daughters Chapstick is grossing me out. I can smell it from the other room. I feel pregnant but this period is throwing me off. Anyone experience anything similar?