
20 weeks + 3, and my husband just gets on my nerves lately.  Sometimes he's not even doing anything (ha - maybe that's it), but just his existence is annoying.  Don't get me wrong, I love him.  I'm just tired of him lately.  I'll mention that I'm exhausted, or something, and he's all like "me too".  No.  No no no.  He might be tired, but he's not growing two babies and on his feet all day for work.  It's not the same, but he acts like it is.  I have trouble sleeping most nights too, and he doesn't help the situation by letting his alarm go off for fifteen minutes keeping me awake even more.  Ugh.  Sorry, I just needed to vent.  I've been awake for over an hour already, half of it waiting for him to finally get out of bed so I can fall back to sleep (can't do that when I anticipate his alarm going off).  
Anyone else feel similar or are these hormones just getting the best of me?