First Baby

Lindsay • After 9 miscarriages,we got our little miracle in Feb 2016. My little Aidan! Trying now for baby #2!
I always had the feeling that I wouldn't carry to full term for some reason. Sure enough, at 35+3, I drove over to the house my husband and I just bought. He was up on a ladder renovating it. I had my step daughter with me. As soon as I opened the front door I felt the gush and I looked at my husband and said "either I've just peed myself or my water broke!" I made it to the top level where the bathroom is and the contractions started immediately. We decided to drop my step daughter off with her mother and then head to the hospital. On the way I facetimed my mum in Ireland telling her I was in labour. She took one look at me and told me I didn't have time to bring my stepdaughter home. We brought her with us instead but they wouldn't allow her into the birthing ward! I was assessed on my own, and was already 9cm. I was rushed to a birthing suite and they placed my stepdaughter in the nurses lounge. 4 pushes later my son was born. My husband almost missed it! A nurse had to run and get him from being with his daughter lol. My water broke at 10:30am and he was born at 11:29...59 minutes in total and no meds!! Hoping the 2nd is just as fun! Lol