I know I'm driving u all nuts BUT please read and respond if u can

Jessica Huff • Jessica Huff
All these symptoms I'm having and driving u all nuts about there's another one. Alone with the cramps.aching Nips with protruding veins and constipation and elevated temps. My hubby and I were bd tonight and it felt like he was squishing me. Like I all of a sudden was really fat to the point I weighed myself when we finished. Even tho he wasn't putting any pressure on me it felt as if he was. I was pressing on my lower abdomen and it feels like it's really sensitive and a lot of pressure. It's been a couple days since I've test but Af isn't until somewhere between 12-14th. Fingers crossed I hope I am lucky enough to finally get my bfp after 14 months ttc. I've never had these symptoms before and I apologize for posting so much. Any of u ladies that have conceived had these symptoms. Good luck to all of you ttc. Baby dust to you!!!