On the edge

Ever since I was little I knew I wanted to have kids (when I was older of course). Age 24 was when I wanted to have children back then. I'm 25 now. I have been with my man for 4 years and when we met I was head over heels at the thought of children. After going to university and taking environmental elective classes, I've kind of switched my mind set.. So now, I feel like I've lead him on, but I've talked to him numerous times about my thoughts on children. He still wants to be with me. I love kids, but sometimes the thought of having one kind of weirds me out and scares me.. I'll think, "Naw, definitely not for me.. I'll just stick to my cats." I'm not sure if I want to have kids anymore, even if this world was perfect and free from human evils. BUT there are many times I see babies and children and fall in love and want to have a bunch of them! It doesn't help that him and I have had unprotected sex for 3 years and no pregnancy.. Maybe this mentality is my way of coping the fact that I may not be able to have kids? I'm not sure.. It's all a huge mess. So I tell him, "If it happens it happens and if it doesn't then it doesn't." I've considered adopting, but Invitro is definitely out of the picture.