Very hard decision...

I had to break contact with my mom yesterday. It's a very long story. She was never even a mom to me always trying to make decisions for me now that I'm mature enough. She always puts me in a bad daylight when she doesn't get her way. She's manipulative and mentally not even able to take care of herself. She's an addict and always fights with her boyfriend. She always bothers me with her problems with her boyfriend. And I told her 100 times that she has to leave that abusive boy cause he's only 29 and my mom is 42. My dad took care of me my whole life. I never go to her b day and never buy her gifts for mothers day. We did have had normal contact tho but now that she wrote the most negative things of me on fb publicly for everyone to read I made a decision as hard as it is not to have contact anymore now that I have my own child I have to do what's right. And I don't want him to grow up with a negative abusive addicted grandparent. I'm mentally breaking down cause of course it's my mom .. but I really had to do this. It's not even the whole story tho. I just had to let it out a bit.