Ovulation question!!

Regan • Mom to Hudson James (3/27/18), Briggs Michael (10/17/19) and Henley Rae (2/23/23) and two angels (4/2017 & 1/2022) 💕
So I have been using Clearblue Digital OPKs, today is day 14 of my cycle. I tested at about 1:00 this afternoon and got a positive! I have never ever ovulated this early before and I'm doing an <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> this cycle so I was really excited! I decided to take another test at 5:00 just to be sure and it was negative? Does anyone know why this might have happened? Am I still going to ovulate tomorrow like I would have with the positive?? I'm just confused!