My baby hates sleep!😩

My daughter will be 6 months on the 23rd & around 4 months she has started to despise sleeping. The absolute only way she will nap longer than 15-20 minutes is if I'm right there, boob at the ready! It's just getting to be exhausting. 
We have the hardest time making plans to simply go out for more than an hour. She will not nurse or nap while we're out. She just flat out refuses. When we're home, she will only nurse laying down with me. & that is also the *only* way I can get her to take her non existent naps. 
I've tried every nap/bedtime routine that I could find. Nothing is working. She is already on a medicine for her reflux, & her two bottom baby teeth have cut through completely, so I don't think it's either of those. I plan on bringing this up at her 6 month well visit, but I'm just hopeful that perhaps one of you ladies may have some ideas? 😞