28 Hours of Labor


I started labouring at 4am Monday. It was a dull back ache that got worse but it wasn't like normal contractions. I woke my husband up and told him to time the pain. He was no help and went back to sleep. I decided to shower and take Tylenol, I said a little prayer and hoped the pain subsided. At some point I went back to sleep and at about 7:15 am my water broke. I knew for certain I was in labor. My husband called l&d and they told him they'd keep Me if it was indeed my waters. So like any normal contracting woman, I finished taking my braids down, cleaned and vacuumed my room the hall way and stairs. Until my husband got fed up of me bracing through each contraction, So I got back in the shower, washed my hair we stopped at McDonald's and I was on my way to the hospital. By the way my contractions the entire time were between 2 & 4 minutes apart. The hospital is about 10 minutes from where we live. I went right to l&d, I was triaged and they did the swab to see if it was indeed my water, it was. Contractions are getting harder and longer. At ten o clock I was in the labor room. At about 11:30am I got an epidural. Yay. Right? Wrong. The epidural and the way I was positioned sitting caused everything to swell. My vagina looked like it was about to explode, my anus looked like a wood workers fist. I was laid down and iced with a peanut ball between my legs. I was given meds for swelling through my IV. My legs were so swollen that if I didn't see they were connected to me I would have sworn they didn't belong to me. I got comfortable enough to nap. I'm stuck at 4cm until about 12:30am Tuesday. I then magically moved to 8cm. I was stuck there at 8cm until maybe an hour before it was time to push. I was so numb and swollen that I could not feel the pressure or contractions. I waited for the nurses to tell me when to push. 4 pushes later she was here at 9:29 am at 37+2 she was a healthy 7lbs 8oz. She let out a little squeal and refused to cry. She had very low Apgar score. Eventually she cried out, grasped held on and the other things they wanted her to do. At this point the doctor is still trying to get the placenta out that took longer than the actual pushing. I didn't tear, or anything. So no stitches here. We went to our room and about 2 hours later I started to hemorrhage my room was rushed by about 8-10 doctors. One lone crazy Dr began pushing on my abdominal and yanking blood clots out there was blood every where from where the TV hangs on the wall, the ceiling and even on the closet where you hang the clothes. My Dr entered and made them stop and told them this is inhumane. The bed as it was rolled out left a small trail of blood. I thought I was dying. Waiting to go to surgery which was only 30 minutes I was changed 3 times. The last I heard was that I had lost 1220cc of blood and clots. Surgery took about an hour. My uterus didn't want to contract, it was hardened and shifted to the right. I'm home but I have to go to the bathroom one an hour because a full bladder makes it even harder to heal.....

On the bright side my baby is here happy, healthy and beautiful. I'd do it all over again to see those bright eyes and chubby cheeks for the very first time.